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Meu Glossário
Maria Eduarda Neutzling Olixewski
23 de July de 2019 - 16h
pg 58
1)How can you produce less garbage?
To reduce waste, it is possible to buy things directly at the fair, use less or even reuse packaging for other purposes.
2)What did you throw away that could be used again? How could you use again?
I threw away a box, I could have used it to make a house for my cats, since they don't like the house I bought
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Invastigate pg 58 1)How can you produce less garbage? To reduce waste, it is possible to buy things directly at the fair, use less or even reuse packaging for other purposes. 2)What did you throw away that could be used again? How could you use again? I threw away a box, I could have used it to make a house for my cats, since they don't like the house I bought
pg 58
1)How can you produce less garbage?
To reduce waste, it is possible to buy things directly at the fair, use less or even reuse packaging for other purposes.
2)What did you throw away that could be used again? How could you use again?
I threw away a box, I could have used it to make a house for my cats, since they don't like the house I bought