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Meu Glossário
Lucas Thieme de Castro
23 de July de 2019 - 21h
Activity 1
a. 4 and 5
b. 2, 3 and 4. I visited safe sites.
c. Visiting more than one site to check if the news are true or not.
Activity 2
1) No. It doesn't sound reasonable, because in my view, a president would never do it.
2) Yes, I did.
3) I think it wasn't because I don't even know those sources very well.
4) No. It doesn't.
Activity 3
1) I think no, because they can cause wrong ideas about something and then cause a big problem.
2) You can be sharing something so dangerous that can bring problems for people lifes.
3) Search in more than one website and check if the news are fake or not before share them
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Activity 1 a. 4 and 5 b. 2, 3 and 4. I visited safe sites. c. Visiting more than one site to check if the news are true or not. Activity 2 1) No. It doesn't sound reasonable, because in my view, a president would never do it. 2) Yes, I did. 3) I think it wasn't because I don't even know those sources very well. 4) No. It doesn't. Activity 3 1) I think no, because they can cause wrong ideas about something and then cause a big problem. 2) You can be sharing something so dangerous that can bring problems for people lifes. 3) Search in more than one website and check if the news are fake or not before share them
a. 4 and 5
b. 2, 3 and 4. I visited safe sites.
c. Visiting more than one site to check if the news are true or not.
Activity 2
1) No. It doesn't sound reasonable, because in my view, a president would never do it.
2) Yes, I did.
3) I think it wasn't because I don't even know those sources very well.
4) No. It doesn't.
Activity 3
1) I think no, because they can cause wrong ideas about something and then cause a big problem.
2) You can be sharing something so dangerous that can bring problems for people lifes.
3) Search in more than one website and check if the news are fake or not before share them