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Meu Glossário
Sara Rochelle Lobato M.
06 de August de 2019 - 19h
2- Looking at the research sources.
3- Because I found the content covered interesting.
4- Everyone who is interested in the subject.
5- The content covered in it.
6- Very personalized.
7- Yes, I will use.
8- Explain in a simple and didactic way what I want to show in my infographic.
9- An explanatory message.
10- On some internet site probably.
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1) 2- Looking at the research sources. 3- Because I found the content covered interesting. 4- Everyone who is interested in the subject. 5- The content covered in it. 6- Very personalized. 7- Yes, I will use. 8- Explain in a simple and didactic way what I want to show in my infographic. 9- An explanatory message. 10- On some internet site probably.
2- Looking at the research sources.
3- Because I found the content covered interesting.
4- Everyone who is interested in the subject.
5- The content covered in it.
6- Very personalized.
7- Yes, I will use.
8- Explain in a simple and didactic way what I want to show in my infographic.
9- An explanatory message.
10- On some internet site probably.