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Lucas Thieme de Castro
06 de August de 2019 - 21h
Wellness Tips:
•Exercise the mind
It is always good to exercise your mind in some way, whether reading, listening to music, or doing things that exercise it. Healt mind healt body.
•Eat healthily
We should all have a good diet. Do not eat excess junk foods and eat vitamin-rich foods for good physical health.
•Practice physical activities
Physical activities are very important for the maintenance of our body, as it prevents several serious diseases.
• Rest the time required
We should all sleep at least 8 hours a night, because when our body is resting, the body plays a key role in the issue of leukocyte multipication.
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Wellness Tips: •Exercise the mind It is always good to exercise your mind in some way, whether reading, listening to music, or doing things that exercise it. Healt mind healt body. •Eat healthily We should all have a good diet. Do not eat excess junk foods and eat vitamin-rich foods for good physical health. •Practice physical activities Physical activities are very important for the maintenance of our body, as it prevents several serious diseases. • Rest the time required We should all sleep at least 8 hours a night, because when our body is resting, the body plays a key role in the issue of leukocyte multipication.
•Exercise the mind
It is always good to exercise your mind in some way, whether reading, listening to music, or doing things that exercise it. Healt mind healt body.
•Eat healthily
We should all have a good diet. Do not eat excess junk foods and eat vitamin-rich foods for good physical health.
•Practice physical activities
Physical activities are very important for the maintenance of our body, as it prevents several serious diseases.
• Rest the time required
We should all sleep at least 8 hours a night, because when our body is resting, the body plays a key role in the issue of leukocyte multipication.