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Matheus Bahia Moura Malessa
10 de August de 2019 - 14h
Page 47:
1. How important do you think it is to have an opinion and position yourself?
Giving feedback is important because it always brings the defense and the idea.
2. Do you agree with Dan Brown Quote? Because?
do not. Because I do not know him.
3. Any information surprised you? if so what?
do not.
4. Do you think these facts are useful whenever a subject is discussed? because?
yes, they are like opinions, only false.
Matheus Bahia.
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Page 47: 1. How important do you think it is to have an opinion and position yourself? Giving feedback is important because it always brings the defense and the idea. 2. Do you agree with Dan Brown Quote? Because? do not. Because I do not know him. 3. Any information surprised you? if so what? do not. 4. Do you think these facts are useful whenever a subject is discussed? because? yes, they are like opinions, only false. Matheus Bahia.
1. How important do you think it is to have an opinion and position yourself?
Giving feedback is important because it always brings the defense and the idea.
2. Do you agree with Dan Brown Quote? Because?
do not. Because I do not know him.
3. Any information surprised you? if so what?
do not.
4. Do you think these facts are useful whenever a subject is discussed? because?
yes, they are like opinions, only false.
Matheus Bahia.