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Meu Glossário
Caroline Nunes Vera
15 de August de 2019 - 15h
1.Nowadays I have a lot more obligations, duties than five years ago but nowadays I have more freedom to choose things like clothes.
2 on the one hand it's good as i said i have more freedom but on other things things get harder and more complicated.
3 although there is still a lot of prejudice on this subject I think they have evolved a lot and nowadays are more liberal about it.
4 not much I already imagined this result and I agree with result.
5 I think that from so much to the people insisted and mature this change occurred.
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1.Nowadays I have a lot more obligations, duties than five years ago but nowadays I have more freedom to choose things like clothes. 2 on the one hand it's good as i said i have more freedom but on other things things get harder and more complicated. 3 although there is still a lot of prejudice on this subject I think they have evolved a lot and nowadays are more liberal about it. 4 not much I already imagined this result and I agree with result. 5 I think that from so much to the people insisted and mature this change occurred.
2 on the one hand it's good as i said i have more freedom but on other things things get harder and more complicated.
3 although there is still a lot of prejudice on this subject I think they have evolved a lot and nowadays are more liberal about it.
4 not much I already imagined this result and I agree with result.
5 I think that from so much to the people insisted and mature this change occurred.