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Meu Glossário
Paulo Daniel müller
05 de September de 2019 - 17h
How would you like to define a stereotype?
Stereotype is like the people who deduce how a thing is.
Which stereotypes do you know?
One stereotype i know is that many peoples think that muslims are terrorists but in truth only a few of them are.
Do you think it is a problem to believe stereotypes? Why?
Yes, because stereotypes can give a wrong impression.
Write your post. To post a photo, video or audio, use social media platforms like Flickr, YouTube and SoundCloud and then share the link here.
How would you like to define a stereotype? Stereotype is like the people who deduce how a thing is. Which stereotypes do you know? One stereotype i know is that many peoples think that muslims are terrorists but in truth only a few of them are. Do you think it is a problem to believe stereotypes? Why? Yes, because stereotypes can give a wrong impression.
Stereotype is like the people who deduce how a thing is.
Which stereotypes do you know?
One stereotype i know is that many peoples think that muslims are terrorists but in truth only a few of them are.
Do you think it is a problem to believe stereotypes? Why?
Yes, because stereotypes can give a wrong impression.