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Meu Glossário
Henrique Pereira
06 de September de 2019 - 20h
1.Are there more or fewer volunteering opportunities in your city than you expected?
R=I believe so to work in the cmpc company
2.How interesting are the volunteering programs you have found?
work in companies, stores, banks and others
3.Are there enough opportunities for people your age to volunteer?
R=I don't think so, because it needs to have at least the medium encino
4.In general, is it easy to apply for these volunteering programs?
R=no, you have to have a resume, have an experience anyway
5.Would you like to volunteer for any of the programs you have found?
R=yea. in a company of course i don't want to be there forever but i'm also interested in another job
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investigate 1.Are there more or fewer volunteering opportunities in your city than you expected? R=I believe so to work in the cmpc company 2.How interesting are the volunteering programs you have found? R= work in companies, stores, banks and others 3.Are there enough opportunities for people your age to volunteer? R=I don't think so, because it needs to have at least the medium encino 4.In general, is it easy to apply for these volunteering programs? R=no, you have to have a resume, have an experience anyway 5.Would you like to volunteer for any of the programs you have found? R=yea. in a company of course i don't want to be there forever but i'm also interested in another job
1.Are there more or fewer volunteering opportunities in your city than you expected?
R=I believe so to work in the cmpc company
2.How interesting are the volunteering programs you have found?
work in companies, stores, banks and others
3.Are there enough opportunities for people your age to volunteer?
R=I don't think so, because it needs to have at least the medium encino
4.In general, is it easy to apply for these volunteering programs?
R=no, you have to have a resume, have an experience anyway
5.Would you like to volunteer for any of the programs you have found?
R=yea. in a company of course i don't want to be there forever but i'm also interested in another job