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Eduarda de Reis Heinsch
25 de November de 2019 - 17h
I use electronic gadgets to do 75% of my tasks in a typical day.
1 - Yes. We all do different tasks, some use more appliances than others, or rather use more technology than others.
2 - Yes, sometimes.
3 - In fact, yes. Today half or more than half of everything we do "forces" us to use technology.
4 - Difficult. because as I mentioned before, we are very dependent on her.
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I use electronic gadgets to do 75% of my tasks in a typical day. 1 - Yes. We all do different tasks, some use more appliances than others, or rather use more technology than others. 2 - Yes, sometimes. 3 - In fact, yes. Today half or more than half of everything we do "forces" us to use technology. 4 - Difficult. because as I mentioned before, we are very dependent on her.
I use electronic gadgets to do 75% of my tasks in a typical day.
1 - Yes. We all do different tasks, some use more appliances than others, or rather use more technology than others.
2 - Yes, sometimes.
3 - In fact, yes. Today half or more than half of everything we do "forces" us to use technology.
4 - Difficult. because as I mentioned before, we are very dependent on her.