I agree with Esther Davis` article " A word on artistic political correctness". Writers, singers and directors of movies are afraid of exceed the limits of imagination imposed by society. Because, more times, the artistic productions that are differents are unacknowledged. I want talk about the people`s misconception about the culture and diversity of others countries. Esther Davis says that nowdays the concept of limitless art is under attack and this delicate matter should always be taken into consideration by artists, but, in many ways, it also limits imagination. I agreet to her. Often, books, movies and songs that come out of pattern are not very succesful, although they can be cool. I never see an Indian movie be box office champion, or a singer wearning a saree on his videoclipe. So, Esther Davis says, the public should balance or even differentiate cultural appropriation from cultural appreciation and know that what is different can be interesting and cool. We have to broke the cultural appropriation.
By Thays Guimarães