*Do physical activities
Physical activities are very important. Just putting the phone away from the bed so that you can get up and start moving your body already generates a stimulus change that makes a big change in your body.
*Eat well
To eat well, it is important to avoid processed foods, to eat a few sugary foods every day, and to drink about 2 liters of water a day.
*Take care of mental health
To take good care of mental health it is always important to discard what brings us bad feelings and always seek psychological help when needed.
*Do physical activities
Physical activities are very important. Just putting the phone away from the bed so that you can get up and start moving your body already generates a stimulus change that makes a big change in your body.
*Eat well
To eat well, it is important to avoid processed foods, to eat a few sugary foods every day, and to drink about 2 liters of water a day.
*Take care of mental health
To take good care of mental health it is always important to discard what brings us bad feelings and always seek psychological help when needed.