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João Pedro Kunrath
06 de August de 2019 - 21h
wellness tips
Taking care of food, besides being part of the search for healthy habits, also enters the list of financial planning.
Setting goals at the beginning of a new cycle is always a pleasure. The tip is to let creativity flow and write down whatever comes up.
-practice physical activities
Exercising regularly helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and is one of the secrets of longevity.
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wellness tips -food Taking care of food, besides being part of the search for healthy habits, also enters the list of financial planning. -goals Setting goals at the beginning of a new cycle is always a pleasure. The tip is to let creativity flow and write down whatever comes up. -practice physical activities Exercising regularly helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and is one of the secrets of longevity.
wellness tips
Taking care of food, besides being part of the search for healthy habits, also enters the list of financial planning.
Setting goals at the beginning of a new cycle is always a pleasure. The tip is to let creativity flow and write down whatever comes up.
-practice physical activities
Exercising regularly helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and is one of the secrets of longevity.