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Luíza Kruze Meus
17 de August de 2019 - 22h
1)Nowadays some things are very different, such as learning that was more difficult, security that was much greater, many other things.
2)It depends on what it is, for example, the security decrease is bad.
3)Yes because we have a very prejudiced society that always says there are things that boys can do and girls can't, and the other way around too
4)Yes, because you are seeing evolution or perhaps worsening from season to season, it is very interesting.
5)The society, the government changed a lot in various opinions began to form.
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1. 1)Nowadays some things are very different, such as learning that was more difficult, security that was much greater, many other things. 2)It depends on what it is, for example, the security decrease is bad. 3)Yes because we have a very prejudiced society that always says there are things that boys can do and girls can't, and the other way around too 4)Yes, because you are seeing evolution or perhaps worsening from season to season, it is very interesting. 5)The society, the government changed a lot in various opinions began to form.
1)Nowadays some things are very different, such as learning that was more difficult, security that was much greater, many other things.
2)It depends on what it is, for example, the security decrease is bad.
3)Yes because we have a very prejudiced society that always says there are things that boys can do and girls can't, and the other way around too
4)Yes, because you are seeing evolution or perhaps worsening from season to season, it is very interesting.
5)The society, the government changed a lot in various opinions began to form.