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Meu Glossário
João Pedro Soares Ferraz
10 de June de 2020 - 21h
According to the results obtained during the week, I came to the conclusion that I follow my values.
1 - I don't think so, values are personal, because each person knows what is right and wrong for himself.
2 - If I can't do what I said, I'll try to act as close as possible.
3 - Most of the actions were very easy to follow, as I already performed a good part of them.
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According to the results obtained during the week, I came to the conclusion that I follow my values. 1 - I don't think so, values are personal, because each person knows what is right and wrong for himself. 2 - If I can't do what I said, I'll try to act as close as possible. 3 - Most of the actions were very easy to follow, as I already performed a good part of them.
1 - I don't think so, values are personal, because each person knows what is right and wrong for himself.
2 - If I can't do what I said, I'll try to act as close as possible.
3 - Most of the actions were very easy to follow, as I already performed a good part of them.