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06 de August de 2020 - 20h
1.I think some of then are important to fight, but at some point they lose their point.
2.i dont support any cause,because some of then i donte like and others i really dont do anything to help then.
3.yes and no,because sometimes they can get what they want but the way some people use is incorrect or contradictory and lose de point of the cause.
4.No, because i dont like to do such things.
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1.I think some of then are important to fight, but at some point they lose their point. 2.i dont support any cause,because some of then i donte like and others i really dont do anything to help then. 3.yes and no,because sometimes they can get what they want but the way some people use is incorrect or contradictory and lose de point of the cause. 4.No, because i dont like to do such things.
2.i dont support any cause,because some of then i donte like and others i really dont do anything to help then.
3.yes and no,because sometimes they can get what they want but the way some people use is incorrect or contradictory and lose de point of the cause.
4.No, because i dont like to do such things.