About the article "A word on the artistic political correcteness" we think that the article is very interesting! And we agree that cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation diferent things. Our motivation to write to the editor was to say congratulations to the editor about writing the article and to answer the question in the end of it.
We think that in general the cultural appropriation it's something negative but some people think that it's something positive.
For example: some people use dreadlocks, black power wlg, there is the question of the racism and there is the actors and actresses that use the other's culture, but this is in the cultural appreciation that is fine because shows the culture and the languages.
Answering the question in the article, cultural appropriation is like steal things af another culture and cultural appreciation is giving credit to the people behind the culture.
About the article "A word on the artistic political correcteness" we think that the article is very interesting! And we agree that cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation diferent things. Our motivation to write to the editor was to say congratulations to the editor about writing the article and to answer the question in the end of it.
We think that in general the cultural appropriation it's something negative but some people think that it's something positive.
For example: some people use dreadlocks, black power wlg, there is the question of the racism and there is the actors and actresses that use the other's culture, but this is in the cultural appreciation that is fine because shows the culture and the languages.
Answering the question in the article, cultural appropriation is like steal things af another culture and cultural appreciation is giving credit to the people behind the culture.
Sofia Herz
Júlia Neves
Clara Oliveira