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Gustavo Leão Leal
Jun 11, 2019 - 07:35 p.m.
Page 40 Exercise 4:
1 - I agree, in my opinion, some people don't want to vote in any of the sides, so they can chooes to just don't vote.
2 - I disagree, It sounds very bad.
3 - Not only woman, it also concerns everyone.
4 - No, unfortunately, it still exists in the today's society.
5 - I agree. Anima cruelty is just horrible, an unhuman thing, they should be very strict about it!
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Page 40 Exercise 4: 1 - I agree, in my opinion, some people don't want to vote in any of the sides, so they can chooes to just don't vote. 2 - I disagree, It sounds very bad. 3 - Not only woman, it also concerns everyone. 4 - No, unfortunately, it still exists in the today's society. 5 - I agree. Anima cruelty is just horrible, an unhuman thing, they should be very strict about it!
1 - I agree, in my opinion, some people don't want to vote in any of the sides, so they can chooes to just don't vote.
2 - I disagree, It sounds very bad.
3 - Not only woman, it also concerns everyone.
4 - No, unfortunately, it still exists in the today's society.
5 - I agree. Anima cruelty is just horrible, an unhuman thing, they should be very strict about it!