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1- Nowadays things have changed a lot, technology has advanced a lot, access to the study too, but on the other hand children started to exchange games for electronic devices.
2- It depends, it has good and bad consequences, a good one is the easy access to schools at least most of the time, but a very bad one is children exchange healthy games for electronic gadgets thus having a series of bad consequences like obesity for lack of practice of physical activities.
3- Yes, because society in general is very prejudiced, as far as gender, color, physical person ...
4-Yes, because on the one hand we are evolving but on the other we are regressing.
5- Society has changed A LOT in opinions, as well as advances we have made, whether they have good or bad consequences.
1) Nowadays things are very different, in terms of learning that was more difficult, much greater security, much more enjoyed childhood, the absence of the internet among many other differences.
2) It depends on what it is, for example the evolution of student education is good but the loss of the essence of childhood is bad.
3)Yes because we have a very prejudiced society that always says there are things that boys can do and girls can't, and the other way around too.
4) Yes, because you are seeing the evolution or perhaps the regression from one epoch to another is really interesting.
5) Society has changed a lot and diverse opinions have begun to form causing many things to change, evoking or regressing.
1; Technology has evolved.
2; this is very good because now we have access to things faster.
3; yes, they thought boys were more important than girls.
4; no, because i already expected these answers.
5; people's demand for better technology.