In my opinion, everything that expresses any feeling, or tries to send a message to the spectators or even with the intention of having fun, is art, no matter how it was generated.
Resultados da busca:
Oh my god! We made it! The human race created a computer with enough technology to, by itself, make real art, the lyrics and the music of a musical. It's art! Science is art! Actually, everything is art. That is the point, and that's what make art so wonderful.
Raphael Santos
You're right!
17 de March de 2020 - 09h
The possibility of creating a song on the computer is incredible! But, in my opinion, it´s not an art, because it needs feelings to creat music and computers have no feelings!
The technology is evolving every day and with that our possibilities increase.
So in my opinion this can be considered as art
So in my opinion this can be considered as art
Although Artificial inteligence has a really promising future, i think it will never become as good as the human's art. The ''emotion'' part will always be lacking, and it will be superficial.
Raphael Santos
I tottaly agree with it!!! You rock!!
12 de March de 2020 - 11h
I think art is relative, people consider art things that other people don't. I think a machine can do art and sometimes better than humans
João Pedro
09 de March de 2020 - 22h
Migue de Freitas Abood
09 de March de 2020 - 21h
I don't think that computers can make art, because, art isn't just a beautiful draw or a sculpture. To make art, you need to feel it. You need to know the meaning of your art, not just draw or make random things. Computers can't feel anything, so they aren't able to make art.
Raphael Santos
Something tells me that I must agree with u
17 de March de 2020 - 10h
Diego Henrique Xavier dos Santos
09 de March de 2020 - 21h
Migue de Freitas Abood
that's deep bro
09 de March de 2020 - 21h