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26 de November de 2019 - 16h
1)yes i think this is a matter of costom or evem of adapiting
2)that my brain is amazing
3)i think so
Escreva sua mensagem. Para postar foto, vídeo ou áudio, use mídias sociais como Flickr, YouTube e SoundCloud e compartilhe o link aqui.
1)yes i think this is a matter of costom or evem of adapiting 2)that my brain is amazing 3)i think so
Maria Raupp
26 de November de 2019 - 11h
1. Yes, I have. Sometimes that thought occurs to me.
2. I learned that we make so many things look harder than they actually are.
3. Yes, of course.
Escreva sua mensagem. Para postar foto, vídeo ou áudio, use mídias sociais como Flickr, YouTube e SoundCloud e compartilhe o link aqui.
1. Yes, I have. Sometimes that thought occurs to me. 2. I learned that we make so many things look harder than they actually are. 3. Yes, of course.
Bárbara Da Silva Kickhöfel
25 de November de 2019 - 23h
Page 110 investigate
1. Have you ever imagined that you could do so many things differently? Yes, I already imagined
2. What did you learn from this experience? That I can find new ways to do something more practical or complicated
3. Can you include more new activities in your routine? Yes I Can
Escreva sua mensagem. Para postar foto, vídeo ou áudio, use mídias sociais como Flickr, YouTube e SoundCloud e compartilhe o link aqui.
Page 110 investigate 1. Have you ever imagined that you could do so many things differently? Yes, I already imagined 2. What did you learn from this experience? That I can find new ways to do something more practical or complicated 3. Can you include more new activities in your routine? Yes I Can
Maria Eduarda Mânica
25 de November de 2019 - 23h
1. Have you ever imagined that you could do so many things differently? Yes.
2. What did you learn from this experience? I learned to organize myself better.
3. Can you include more new activities in your routine? Yes, some.
Escreva sua mensagem. Para postar foto, vídeo ou áudio, use mídias sociais como Flickr, YouTube e SoundCloud e compartilhe o link aqui.
1. Have you ever imagined that you could do so many things differently? Yes. 2. What did you learn from this experience? I learned to organize myself better. 3. Can you include more new activities in your routine? Yes, some.
Izadora Neves
20 de November de 2019 - 22h
1. Have you ever imagined that you could do so many things differently? Yes
2. What did you learn from this experience? I learned how to use creativity in a variety of ways.
3. Can you include more new activities in your routine?Yes, many.
Escreva sua mensagem. Para postar foto, vídeo ou áudio, use mídias sociais como Flickr, YouTube e SoundCloud e compartilhe o link aqui.
1. Have you ever imagined that you could do so many things differently? Yes 2. What did you learn from this experience? I learned how to use creativity in a variety of ways. 3. Can you include more new activities in your routine?Yes, many.
Camila Martins
19 de November de 2019 - 22h
1. yes i have
2. I have new inspirations, making me innovate and increase my creativity.
3.Yes, when we have inspirations to innovate, it can be at any time.
Escreva sua mensagem. Para postar foto, vídeo ou áudio, use mídias sociais como Flickr, YouTube e SoundCloud e compartilhe o link aqui.
1. yes i have 2. I have new inspirations, making me innovate and increase my creativity. 3.Yes, when we have inspirations to innovate, it can be at any time.
Leonardo neutzling czermainski
19 de November de 2019 - 22h
1.yes, i have
2. i get new ideas and so become more creative
3.yes anytime we can do that when we have more creativity comes more things to do
Escreva sua mensagem. Para postar foto, vídeo ou áudio, use mídias sociais como Flickr, YouTube e SoundCloud e compartilhe o link aqui.
1.yes, i have 2. i get new ideas and so become more creative 3.yes anytime we can do that when we have more creativity comes more things to do
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