values are important because they are what determine who we are, how we act and how we think, they interfere with our choices and the way we see the world, we have to try to improve every day so that we can improve or at least add to the lives of others
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Dear editor!
I think that the only limits of art is when you disrespect or invade the space of the other, for this reason we have to be careful with what art is. So start from this concept I find is is easy to see the cultural differences appropriation frontal cultural appreciation.
I think that the only limits of art is when you disrespect or invade the space of the other, for this reason we have to be careful with what art is. So start from this concept I find is is easy to see the cultural differences appropriation frontal cultural appreciation.
our group concluded that for us the arts is more related to movies and songs than theater plays and shows, because we have more access to them...